
Tumbling classes are designed to concentrate on individual skills the athletes are seeking to develop. They are structured to different levels and open to external athletes. Our head tumble coach is an ex Level 10 Men’s Artistic Gymnastics athlete and Australian representative.

Beginner Tumbling (Cheer L1) – is a dedicated tumbling class for athletes who have never really, tumbled before. Correct techniques for skills including handstands, cartwheels, round-offs, walkovers and rolls are all covered. The coaches utilize our extensive range of equipment to set up progressive drills to support skill development.

Intermediate Tumbling (Cheer L 2/3) – same idea as above but harder skills are introduced.
eg. handsprings, tuck saults, flics etc. Suitable for those who have mastered the basics and want to develop further. A reasonable degree of fitness and core strength is required to be able to master these skills effectively.

Advanced Tumbling (Cheer L 4/5) – Athletes signing up for this class will be learning skills including layouts, whips, twisting saults and techniques to combine skills into series. In addition to cheerleaders, we also cater for higher level gymnasts who want to ‘hone’ or regain skills previously learnt in WAG/MAG programs. The pre-requisite for this class is mastery of the skills from our intermediate class.


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